
To use GBRS in command line

Note: We will assume you installed GBRS in its own conda virtual environment. First of all, you have to “activate” the virtual environment by doing the following:

source activate gbrs

The first step is to align our RNA-Seq reads against pooled transcriptome of all founder strains:

bowtie -q -a --best --strata --sam -v 3 ${GBRS_DIR}/bowtie.transcriptome ${FASTQ} \
    | samtools view -bS - > ${BAM_FILE}

Before quantifying multiway allele specificity, bam file should be converted into emase format:

gbrs bam2emase -i ${BAM_FILE} \
               -m ${GBRS_DATA}/ \
               -o ${EMASE_FILE}

We can compress EMASE format alignment incidence matrix:

gbrs compress -i ${EMASE_FILE} \
              -o ${COMPRESSED_EMASE_FILE}

If storage space is tight, you may want to delete ${BAM_FILE} or ${EMASE_FILE} at this point since ${COMPRESSED_EMASE_FILE} has all the information the following steps would need. If you want to merge emase format files in order to, for example, pool technical replicates, you run ‘compress’ once more listing files you want to merge with commas:


and use ${MERGED_COMPRESSED_EMASE_FILE} in the following steps. Now we are ready to quantify multiway allele specificity:

gbrs quantify -i ${COMPRESSED_EMASE_FILE} \
              -g ${GBRS_DATA}/ref.gene2transcripts.tsv \
              -L ${GBRS_DATA}/ \
              -M 4 --report-alignment-counts

Then, we reconstruct the genome based upon gene-level TPM quantities (assuming the sample is a female from the 20th generation Diversity Outbred mice population)

gbrs reconstruct -e gbrs.quantified.multiway.genes.tpm \
                 -t ${GBRS_DATA}/tranprob.DO.G20.F.npz \
                 -x ${GBRS_DATA}/avecs.npz \
                 -g ${GBRS_DATA}/ref.gene_ids.ordered.npz

We can now quantify allele-specific expressions on diploid transcriptome:

gbrs quantify -i ${COMPRESSED_EMASE_FILE} \
              -G gbrs.reconstructed.genotypes.tsv \
              -g ${GBRS_DATA}/ref.gene2transcripts.tsv \
              -L ${GBRS_DATA}/ \
              -M 4 --report-alignment-counts

Genotype probabilities are on a grid of genes. For eQTL mapping or plotting genome reconstruction, we may want to interpolate probability on a decently-spaced grid of the reference genome.:

gbrs interpolate -i gbrs.reconstructed.genoprobs.npz \
                 -g ${GBRS_DATA}/ref.genome_grid.64k.txt \
                 -p ${GBRS_DATA}/ref.gene_pos.ordered.npz \
                 -o gbrs.interpolated.genoprobs.npz

To plot a reconstructed genome:

gbrs plot -i gbrs.interpolated.genoprobs.npz \
          -o gbrs.plotted.genome.pdf \
          -n ${SAMPLE_ID}

To use GBRS in a project

All the features are available as a python module. You can simply:

import gbrs